pátek 27. února 2015

Cookie Monster om nom nom

Me and my boyfriend, we love Cookie Monster. I am not sure how it started, but last few month I fell in love with this fluffy blue creature which can't resist cookies when it sees them. Then Cookie Monster started to infiltrate my life slowly. I got Cookie Monster tshirt for Christmas. Of course blue, with a bit crazy eyes and with soothing words: "Keep calm and nom nom nom". Then I got Cookie Monster mug to take it with me to Belfast. So suddenly I became a collector of Cookie Monster objects.

Přidat popisek

One of the first days in Belfast I discovered that in Maggie Mays (café/bar/restaurant near university) they have Cookie Monster milk shake in their offer! So it was obvious I need to pay there a visit. Yesterday it finally hapenned! I went there with my friend from dorms, wearing my Cookie Monster tshirt and with my Cookie Monster mug in bag. I got giant milk shake with Oreo biscuits and I also ordered Bonofee Pie. The best pie in Northern Ireland with cookies, caramel, bananas and coffee. Bananas and coffee = Bonoffee. It is really delicious. I was so full that I couldn't move much when I went to the city for a walk. By the way, I bought there an irish flute. But that's another story :).

Motto of the day: Keep calm and om nom nom!
The ad which caught my attention
Me, Cookie Monster tshirt, Cookie Monster mug, Cookie Monster milk shake and Bonoffee Pie = heavens!

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