pondělí 2. února 2015

First punk day

My accommodation starts on 1st of February.That means I needed to find a place to stay for first 4 nights. And my friend who was in Belfast for autumn semester has been very helpful to me and took me to a house she has spent 5 month so far. I was very happy even though the quarter seemed a bit punk according to what she said and also the house is far away from university. I thought to myself it´s no problem, I´ll just get up few times early in the morning. But things started to be funny.
When I came to Belfast it started to snow. Car accidents, traffic jams,.. Stuff that happens if people have only summer tires and 1 cm of snow falls on the ground. Buses were not going on time, some didn´t have time schedule at all, some even didn´t have specific track to take. Total traffic chaos. But my friend was very helpful again and when we were waiting hour and half for a bus to take us to her house she explained to me that this is normal even if the day is as usual. Finally the bus came and the bus driver unexpectedly knew name of the bus stop we wanted to go to (This is an exception. Some bus drivers are even getting lost on their way. At least according to what my friend said). I had my giant suitcases so some lovely man standing at the entrance to the bus asked me "Wanna help, love?" with such strong accent I didn´t recognize a single word. Calling everybody including total strangers by names like love or darling is kind of local custom. To me it is more like "Thanks but no, you pervert..."
The house I´m staying at now is in very interesting quarter which is living on some different kind of rules than other parts of universe. For example:
- People respect you only when you shout at them. (Fock yo´! is the best)
- It´s fun to throw things on other people or cars or buses. Starting with snowballs, ending with rocks. Or I don´t know if it has an ending...
- Locals often organize big parties. Esecially young people are going to big events counting lots and lots of people. Purpose is to party, be drunk and put things on fire. Starting with trash bins, ending with cars (ending?)
- You don´t go for a walk with your dog. Dogs are in the evening just let to run around the quarter as they want. They jump on people, open doors of houses, go inside uninvited and so on.
- People don´t use slippers. You are home in the boots you wear outside and in the clothes you wear outside.
- Shops here look like you´re in Romania (architechturaly... but I don´t remember how did romanian markets look like. Let say me and my friend agreed on this definition). Most of the shops are closed because one after another they´re bankrupting.
Peak of all this was kind of social living house. For few days I wouldn´t mind old house with messy kitchen and so on... But when heating and warm water stopped because the owner didn´t put on gas card much money and outside was still snow, I got a bit nervous. For your home you have here some special cards for gas and electricity where you can recharge your money. If there´s no money, there´s no heating or light. And if there´s no houselord, there´s no money on cards. Our houselord doesn´t have a mobile phone. So when he´s lost, he´s lost.
Despite all of that the houses are just lovely from red or yellow bricks. Still I have to admit I´m looking forward to living in the center, near university, where none of this happens :D. Except the buses. These are chaotic all around the city. I don´t know how I can go to school in the morning from here :D. So wish me luck. Because Welcome and Orientation week is starting tomorrow.

Motto of the day: You can try to prepare for everything and do your best. But the reality sometimes handle things differently than you would expect.
Lovely quiet night snowy crazy quarter

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