středa 18. února 2015

To live or to party? That is the question...

So finaly I'm writting in the blog again! The problem is not that nothing is hapenning, rather that I am still busy doing something else. I was telling myself that I will write a post per day. But sometimes I just don't feel like writting or sometimes I don't know which is the topic that suits the day. I just like to write when I feel the inspiration inside me. The first days here in Belfast were really full of strong experiences, so in a way all the feelings wanted to find their way out. Release the tension. But now I found my routine in life. And that made me think.
I don't have much lectures and I often don't feel like reading something to school. So, believe it or not, I started to feel bored. I am bored during lectures as normally in school or when I watch too much series during one day. And sometimes I feel hopeless here too. Especially when I imagine writting essays in english. I can study if I want. And I feel I should because Erasmus is a study programme. I was surprised I can feel like this. Erasmus is exciting and cool, right? So why am I bored? And I feel angry at lectrures because the study style here doesn't suit me much and they have totaly different approach to psychology here. But I will write about this some other day.

When I moved to the university accommodation I realized I missed getting to know other students. But I also wanted to have fun. Thank God, there is still something going on and especially some people still organize common activities for international students. At my dorms people are very nice and friendly. So it's possible to talk or socialize with them too. I don't know how, but suddenly it's not even possible to have a free evening during the week. But I also need to study, to have time to call home and so on.

I found out that when there is an event but I decide to stay home, I feel that I'm missing something. I was always like this a bit. Just now I also have the feeling that I am not enjoying the Erasmus stay to the full when I'm at dorms. And no, it's not about Erasmus being just one long party and drinking! What are you thinking about?

First of all, the beer is so expensive that it's not possible to get drunk. Secondly, going out is not about getting drunk, it's about getting to know other people. And meeting people is one of the most important benefits of Erasmus stay, in my point of view. Today most of the people I know went to a pub crawl - walking around the city and buying alcohol in different pubs. It's not my style of party. On the other hand, the belgian pharmacist Jan summed it up quite good: "It's the closest I can get here to being drunk." Btw: On Sunday we went hiking and he skipped the trip because he was hungover. Even though his argument was very strong, I was still convinced today is not a party day for me.

I realized that I am here for half a year. It's a long time. I just can't party all the time. It's not healthy. So even though one other friend wrote me about going to the cheapest pub in city, today I decided to stay home. I wanted to finaly write a post, call with my loved ones, study a bit and other calm and my activities. It's very nice to spend one evening home too. In the time you'll be abroad, enjoy company of other people as much as possible. But don't forget to take time for yourself.

PS: I'm trying to get used to a british keyboard. This is my first post written using it! I'm happy about it! :)

Motto of the day: You are studying and living abroad. It's part of your normal life. Life includes party, excitement, fun, but boredom, anger (and hard work) too. Also it's not healthy to party all your life.

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