pondělí 2. února 2015


Do you think it is a good idea to buy a flight at 7:15 in te morning? I don´t think so if it means leaving at 3am from home. Well, it hapenned anyway. So I could start my trip firstly from Prague to London, secondly from London to Belfast. The first moment I heard the perfect british accent I knew the Erasmus stay will be epic. The more I felt it when the stuff asked me "Tea or coffee?" "Tea please" "Milk and sugar are in the breakfest sample." OH YES!
Another epic thing which I couldn´t hear or see in the Czech Republic was proffessional Shoeshining place at the airport where you could get your shoes handled by a shoe shiner (or how to call the guy) in very fancy looking chair only for 8 pounds (300 czk). Behind him was possible to visit so called Multi-faith prayer room. As the signs were getting smaller, it became just a multi-faith room. I didn´t enter only from respect to the praying people. But I´m really interested in how does such place look like. Right back corner with crucifix, left back corner for druidism...
When we left London, there were very strong turbulations and rain, things started to fall from shelves and behind me was sitting some british gentleman notting in dry way "Jesus, ... Jesus...". But suddenly the clouds opened and there was just beautiful sunny weather. I realized there was at least 6 complete golf pitches visible from the airplane and from my window I could also see another 4 planes flying through sky. I felt like Alice in Wonderland. And we flew over Isle of Man! I saw much more interesting things only going by the plane. But I have to admit (Northern) Ireland looks really green from the sky.
Even though while landing there was very strong wind and the plane looked really unstable, I got safely to Belfast. Because Queen´s university is very welcomming and helpful, it sends for international students special bus which takes you to Elm´s village, place where most of the students take accommodation. From this point I needed to get to campus where I had meeting with a friend who was in Belfast for autumn semester. And it was just start of more interesting things hapenning this day...

Motto of the day: You will manage your travelling. There´s nothing to be afraid of. When you start to do things, they will also come to an end. Then you can be just happy to be free for another step.

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