neděle 1. února 2015

Everybody on a board!

Hi guys :)
I am Pavlína from the Czech Republic and I would like to share my experience from Erasmus stay in Belfast with as many people as possible. I came here on 28th January and hopefully I´ll leave in half of June. Untill then I would like to write about how is it to study abroad, how is it to live in different than your home country and how cool Northern Ireland is. Because I love this country... and UK too... and probably Ireland too but I haven´t been there yet :D. I hope my texts will at least inspire you to go somewhere too. Step out of the routine, maybe step out of your comfort zone, maybe step out from the way you were expecting to take so far. Because suddenly you can see so many new and interesting things. Not only in terms of being abroad but also about yourself.
I was thinking for a long time whether to write my blog in czech or english. Well, you see how I decided. So sorry mom, sorry, grandma, sorry other people who doesn´t speak english. My english is not perfect, especially in the written form. But I hope it will get better after some time here.
And why Pavlína´s sail on Titanic from Belfast? Because Belfast is the proud city where Titanic was constructed! So my dear friends, family and everybody, who is reading this blog, get on the board with me, we´re leaving shore of homeland!

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