středa 4. února 2015

Crazy weather and early spring

I was planning to write about weather sometimes, but as some topic when I will really not know about what to write. But today something perfect hapenned!
As you know, when I came to Belfast it was very windy. So windy that the airplane looked like a kite. Two hours after my arrival to airport a snow "calamity" started. It was snowing, but streets were a bit wet, no frozen layer on the ground. Then over night it was snowing more and in higher parts of city there was quite a white pillow.

Do you remember this picture? The most snow I´ve seen here.
Even in the center there was layer of snow for some time. But in 2 days it got totaly reversed and sun was shining whole day. In between it looked like God went mad and was playing with clouds. Sun, snow, snow, rain, snow, sun, rain, sun, snow, rain. Then it was lunch time and whole cycle repeated. Even when it´s sunny the wind is pretty strong. But I´m getting used to it. Last few days the rain is just occasional. One day it´s a bit under 0°C, another one a bit above 5°C. The weather here is just changing a lot from one day to another, from one hour to another.

Snowy campus
For me it is still fine here. I´m reading news from home about temperatures of -29°C so I feel happy in this pleasant fresh air. Other international students like swedish are happy in simmilar way, people from Texas or France hate it. That´s actually quite funny. Nevertheless, people in streets wear either tshirts or normal 0°C clothes or some kind of fashion, which really doesn´t match cold weather. Now being cool means wearing light sneakers and trousers ending above ankles. Somebody obviously wants to suffer for beauty.
Today it was beautiful day, sunny, not much windy, a bit cold. On the hills around the city you can still see snow. It looks a bit like czech mountains. And in this optimistic time I saw this at my feet! Spring is comming!

Flowers along the pavement!
Motto of the day: There´s nothing like bad weather, there are only bad clothes.
Blooming flowers no.2.

It´s hard to see, but in the back there are the snowy hills.

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