sobota 7. února 2015

God save the Queen

The Queen. The most powerful woman in the world (after Angela Merkel). She´s everywhere, she knows about everything, she is an idol. The life can´t go on without Queen´s impact.
Back in 1849 Queen Victoria visited Belfast for few hours. Result is that we have not only Queen´s University Belfast here, but also shopping center Victoria´s square, Queen´s Bridge, one of the main roads in Belfast is called Victoria´s street and more and more. There´s also nasty object of Queen´s impact - Dukes at Queen´s Hotel. I would like to know what kind of people spend there nights. At the Victoria´s shopping center you can use stairs or elevator to go up under the globe from glass, look around and see all the Queen´s stuff around.

Queen Victoria´s statue in front of City Hall
Victoria´s square shopping center view
Queen´s university is also filled with Queen´s influence. Student´s handle their agenda on web Queen´s online. You can subscribe to sport facilities at Queen´s sport center. As new students we were adviced that we will be guided through our enrollment by Queen´s wizard (here it starts to be a bit creepy). We all should even carefully save our school work on a Queen´s drive. The lady just knows everything including content of my essays! But I don´t want to make a furious beast out of her. There are cute things including Queen too. For example in the Czech Republic we use ECTS academic credits, Queen´s uses Queen´s CATS. And they are twice as value than ECTS :-/.
Queen´s cat online
While drinking Guiness beer, a friend told me about possibility to test quality of beer foam and save Queen in one moment. (He also said this is the origin of saying God save the Queen. But I guess this is not the whole truth.) It´s said that the right beer should have such a thick foam, that when you lay 1 penny on it, it should go down very slowly. You should drink the beer before the penny drops to the bottom of the glass. That´s the only way how to save the Queen, whose picture is on every coin and also on every banknote made by Bank of England . I have to admit, we tried not only with 1 penny but with other coins too. No matter how you put the coin on foam and which coin you use, the Queen will always sink immediately even though I would love to save her.
This is what you see in the moment of dropping the coin. Best result we got.

Motto of the day: Don´t forget to save your work regularly (on the Queen´s drive). And don´t throw money into beer. It sinks and it´s not hygienic.

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