sobota 14. února 2015

St. Valentine´s rugby

Today is a day of showing love, being with our loved ones. Well, when you´re abroad, it´s kind of hard. So when international students think about what to do, rugby is a possibility.
People here seems to be totaly crazy about rugby. In the university area there is Rugby Road, every Friday it´s possible to visit one of the local rugby matches. When there´s rugby on TV, streets are somewhat emptier and social life is moved into pubs where you can support your team with shouting and drinking beer. Once we went to see live music into a bar and the music was at least hour late. We left before it even started. But visitors were totaly satisfied because there was a rugby match on TV. I suspect bar staff that they postponed the music because of rugby.
Today was match Ireland vs. France. Most of the international students in bar was from France so the fan bases were obvious. In the Czech Republic you can never watch rugby though. Some other people with me haven´t known anything about rugby rules. So for us it was challenge to try to figure them out. For guys, rugby is obviously manly stuff. The more dirt and blood is on your face and body, the more you are attractive and happy person. My theory is a bit different. After all, it´s St. Valentine´s.
Principles of the game are still hidden to me but obviously it´s about hugging. They can try hard to say it´s about manly strenght but obviously it's not truth. I just think man going to war are actually missing their women´s tenderness. That´s why they needed to make up a sport in which they would still look tough, but they could also receive a lot of love. In rugby game it is a big privilege to give a hug to somebody, so you need to try to hug just a few people so that hugs remain a not so easy to get article. Problem is, that if you have a ball, everybody tries to hug you. So you need to try to escape them. And if you manage to escape far enough (behind the final line), you get 5 points for your team, you are saved for a moment and closer to a happy winning hug of whole your team.
Hugging victim trying to escape. But it's not gonna hapen.
It is very hard to reach the final line. In 80 minutes it hapenned only once. In the field, you fight for every few centimeters and the ball is always in someone's hand, so there is still excesive hugging going on. I really think the most dirty and bloody men are so happy because they have been hugging so much. There is even a big group hug on regular terms. Honestly, I think it is just opportunity for one big hug and touching other's guys asses. See for yourself.

Preparation for a big group hug

Sometimes the game even looks like dancing. They have special kind of jump which looks like Dirty dancing last scene and it serves to catch balls in big hight. Also when it comes to art, rugby players are very creative performing different kinds of pirouettes. Rugby is just filled with love, joy, happiness and blood. On the other hand, there is lack of teeth. Players are violent to reach their hug but still they obey some rules to hurt each other a bit slowlier than they would like to. I have Killing me softly song in my head.
Dirty dancing
Ireland finaly won 18:11. In a raffle we could win a jersey of Ireland. The happy owner of Ireland jersey is french of course. But he seemed happy about it. And why not. It is St. Valentine's and love is all around us.
Motto of the day: Even a tough butcher is capable of love.
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