úterý 3. března 2015

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Northern Ireland - the worst town in NI

I never hitchhiked. Friend came up with an idea to go hitchhiking. First people who would stop some car were supposed to ask where is it going and they would send others a message saying what is our final destination this day. My friend put the question like: "You guys seem crazy enough, so what if we could go hitchhiking and..." So even though I am not a hitchhiking fan, this was challenge only to try how much crazy I am.
I had to wake up at 8 a.m. for the first time since lectures started in Belfast. So in the morning it was really painful, but finally I managed to get up and go to the meeting. What a surprise - we were only 2 people, me and my serbian friend who came up with the idea. In a way hitchhiking in 2 is the best possibility. So I wasn't sad it was not a massive event. What I considered bad idea is hitchhiking at the entrance to highway where noone should stop to you. Also it is really not safe in my opinion. But I decided to trust the more experienced hitchhiker in the group. And surprisingly a lady stopped for us. She was really lovely, on her way to work. Firstly we thought we will change a car and continue to Giant's Causeway but then we got information from the lady's husband that it will be heavy rain nearly everywhere during afternoon. So the lady offered us she can take us to town where she works, but she was saying things like: "There is nothing interesting." "It is officially rated as the worst town in Northern Ireland." "There is even not a place to hike." The name of the town was Antrim.
I found only this page and lots of others which say Antrim is actually the worst place to live in Northern Ireland. The idea behind our trip was to get somewhere where we wouldn't go normally this day. So the worst town in Northern Ireland seemed like an epic opportunity. The lady had to be in work just for an hour so we  agreed that in hour and half she will pick us up and take us back to Belfast before the rain.
I have to say, Antrim is just lovely small town on the shore of the biggest lake in Northern Ireland - Lough Neagh. It has interesting history, the battle of Antrim took it's place here. There are old walls and ruins of old castle, beautiful castle gardens and other old buildings, bridges and old market place with the Old Courthouse. In the gardens, there was also a strange, 9m high hill which was called The Motte. Actually there was from 12th century a centre of an Anglo-Norman manor. And later in 18th century it was a strategic place to have a canon. So even though it looks like a hill without much sense, it was actually quite an important place. As a bonus we bought local beers in Antrim. One of them was called O Hara's, the other one The Goat's Butt... really smelled and tasted like a goat. Scary. We left Antrim right in the time when it was starting to rain.
Old walls with a gate

The Old Courtehouse

Tower in the Castle Gardens
Ancient Motte - the strange hill

View on the Castle Gardens from Ancient Motte

Romantic path

Clotworthy House - old stables
After coming back to Belfast, we went to see St. George's Market. Beautiful traditional market place with a nice atmosphere. There was playing beautiful life music, so the shopping was pleasant even though the place was crowded. There is anything from fresh fish, mushrooms and other food, over home made clothes to jewellery and books. At the stand with bakery we met lady from Croatia so my serbian friend was speaking in serbian to her. I was watching them and stupid smiling. But I could understand most of the things they were saying. As a bonus we cooked delicious soup with mushrooms from the market. It was really beautiful day. Next time I hope we will really reach the Giant's Causeway on our hitchhiking trip.
St. George's Market from outside

St. George's Market from the inside
I saw fresh fish in a market for the first time. Sea is close!

Wanna taste The Goat's Butt?
Motto of the day: Even though locals say something is ugly, you can still find some touristic beauty in it. After all, who can say that he was in the worst place to live in Northern Ireland?

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