pátek 13. března 2015

Friday 13th in Jail

Honestly, I don't know why is Friday 13th considered a bad luck day. And especially in land of clovers, rainbows and leprichauns it seems strange to me, that there even can be something like unlucky day. I am a person which is easily frightened, so I am not much into going to scary places. But I have to admit, when I saw that university offers participation at a night paranormal tour in Crumlin Road Jail on Friday 13th, it was too big temptation to resist. So I lost another 10 pounds (if it would be so easy with our weight too, right?) and waited for the D-Day to come.
Finaly, nearly 20 people from international students went for the jail tour. The tour is just amazing. The staff from the Crumlin road Jail created very cool tour with telling stories from history of the jail, mostly with some ghosty or deadly background. We went through many different locations and also got to know some interesting facts about the jail, not only about mysteries. It was dark and night, not much light anywhere in the buildings, the staff wore really cool costumes, sounds were just amazing. And the tour wasn't too scary, but still scary enough so that if you wanted to enjoy it, you could.
Entering the jail

Center of Cramlin Road Jail
Corridors of the jail

The central room
Because the atmosphere was based a lot on light and sound conditions, we weren't aloud to use cameras and mobiles, especially not with a flash. But my observations suggest that Indonesians are unstoppable and it is not possible to separate them from their cameras. Never ever. Six group selfies from the tour and our Indonesian friend at least at 3 photos of complete strangers proves it.
I don't want to tell more about the tour because it can hapen somebody of you will one day visit it. But I can tell you few more things which were really good. The logistics of the event was amazing. They had so precise timing. The visitor's groups were taking turns and switching places in very precise intervals and surprisingly it worked very well. Every staff member had his place and his job and whole planning of details of the tour was very nice. The costumes, the timing, the stories, the overall atmosphere, the guides and additional characters at the tour... I really appreciate this as a psychology student. I think there was bright mind behind planning the event. Also the guides were really good speakers and they made the stories sound interesting, even they could be seen quite "dry" told by somebody who wouldn't work with speach tempo, pauses, intonation and so on.
Even though thanks to all of this I really enjoyed the tour, I reminded to myself one big truth, why as a group we were probably not making the staff so happy with us. As always, international groups are just funny to watch. We never know where to go even though we were told many times. We don't laugh when we are expected to and we are also not shocked or scared when we are expected to. We just don't understand much. The more if the guide is speaking in some beautiful irish accent. Which is just beautiful, but impossible to decypher.
Overall I really loved the tour. It was nice Friday 13th evening even for me, an easily frightened girl. So I encourage you, go for it if you have the opportunity. In a way it is just a play, a theatre. And if you look at it like a piece of art, you can see even beauty in a paranormal tour.

Motto of the day: There is no true living abroad without going to jail. Even if you would have to pay for it.
One of the cool guides
How to tie up new coming tourists without any effort

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