pátek 15. května 2015

Czech impact

In the time, when Czech hockey players are making a success in Hockey World Championship 2015, nobody cares about hockey here. I am a shame, but I am watching only the results of the matches and videos with Bob and Bobek, our 2 rabbit mascots. The Championship takes place in the Czech Republic this year. Prague - the capital city and Ostrava. Because today first friend is leaving back home and I am starting to desperately miss Czech food (especially normal bread), I started to think what is the Czech impact on world around and what other nations think about us.
Actually, I heard some things about Czechs here, mostly from international students, and they amused me and surprised me. For example lots of students is going during their trips around Europe to Prague and many people have already been there. I wasn't expecting it so much, but I was flattered when an American student told me "Oh come on, everybody wants to go to Prague." Who wouldn't, right?  Lots of people also make some trip around Poland and Czech Republic, getting to know Krakow and Prague mostly. And I am happy they enjoy Prague more. Or at least they tell me this, possibly only to make me proud of my country. Well, it's working :D.
Prague - see? You should come too :-P
Of course, often the talking concerns beer and alcohol. For example now I know for Asians it is really weird to drink so much and for Irish it is weird to drink during day or just to have a beer with lunch. Often nobody knows which beers are Czech, but a little reminder is enough to obtain such an amazing fact that there is a South Korean study "proving" Pilsner Urquell is the best beer to have with a chicken. Top of all, obviously Czech people are famous for drinking a lot, but Polish people are famous for being drunk a lot.
Pilsner Urquell - probably the most famous Czech beer
I am not trying to be offensive here towards Poland, I just say what I heard. There is really a lot of Polish people in Northern Ireland so it is not so hard to find Polish guys and shops here. Still it made me very happy when I discovered a small shop with Czech, Slovak and Hungarian stuff like cheese, sweets, our favourite lemonade Kofola and other things. Talking about food - we have a tradition with my friends that we cook food traditional for our country and every week somebody else is cooking. I cooked bramboráky s masovou směsí (something like potato pancakes with mixture of meat and vegetables) and my friends liked it and even were full. We also ate everything, that's always a good sign :-P.
Poster which firstly caught my eyes


Piskotyyyyy :D
Sometimes I also discover very interesting details somebody noticed in Czech Republic. For example my friend pharmacist was on a conference in Czech Republic and he found out that Czech pharmacies are very good and provide a high quality service in comparison with other countries. But for me the best finding is that my friend from Spain was with high school in Prague and his classmates were so inspired by the city that they named their band after metro station in Prague. So welcome Spanish experimental music band from Barcelona called "Opatov" :D.

Motto of the day (today as a short poem):
Don't know what to do in kitchen?
Drink Pilsner Urquell with a chicken!

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