pondělí 11. května 2015

Begging business and homeless life style

My sister has been visiting me during this weekend. We saw many things. We went on Cavehill with the most beautiful weather I experienced here so far and then we were in Titanic quarter and just around the city and I showed her a bit the epic pub culture with live music here in Belfast. Actually talking with her about what is here to see was really interesting for me too. And thanks to her I found out I have really lots of observations about beggars and homeless people around.

I think these are 2 very different groups of people. Beggars and homeless people. Beggars are having job - begging. They start around 9 in the morning and disappear around 4. On Friday they sometimes end a bit earlier, because weekend is coming. On weekend there are no beggars in the streets. Beggars are very pragmatic in choosing a place where to beg. You can meet them at the entrance to shop, next to ATMs, in front of important buildings... We have a new one in front of my faculty so I am meeting the guy twice a day at least. I am still resisting. He is smiling at people with his toothless smile and rattling few coins in a little bowl. When you are nice to them and answer at least or smile back but you don't give them any money, they are angry at you, waving arms above their heads and complaining. Sometimes pointing at your recently bought groceries and accusing you of being selfish. In case of beggars I am kind of racist, because they all are darker skinned and local people say they are all Romanians... Which I don't know, I didn't ask them. But the way they act is making me very angry.

Then there are half beggars. I saw only very few of them, but I think these are acting a bit different. They are not accusing and not just asking for money. They address you and sell some kind of a magazine. We have something similar in the Czech Republic. People with financial problems sell a magazine, which is actually quite interesting. We know about this kind of business and giving them money is supporting somebody who is trying to make money with actual work.

Homeless people are also pretty interesting. They are not of any race specifics and surprisingly of all the ages. From very young people of my age to old people. Girls, men, anybody. Interestingly, they have very nice and new looking sleeping bags often. Which I've never seen before. But it make some sense to have at least a good sleeping bag if you are living in the streets. Some of them even seem to have very nice clothes too. Especially the young homeless generation. To me it sometimes seem just like some crazy young guys camping in the streets instead of woods. Maybe it is only some weird living style for some of them.

Do you remember the homeless guy in library I was writing about at the beginning of my stay here? I was never talking to him because the smell around him makes me vomit. But my friend talked to him. His name is Cyril and obviously he read every book in the world, not only in this library. He is very smart and educated. And now he is much more outside around the Botanic Garden, leaving the library behind. Thanks God for my nose. When my friend was talking to him, Cyril invited him to his home and gave him address! And hold on. My friend checked the address on Google Maps. It is just a normal looking nice house. I think I don't understand anything anymore. Why he does not wash himself at least if he wants to live with students in the library or around Botanic Garden with his plastic bag, book and old clothes?

It is weird for me to see here all these people. Even though I would be sometimes wishing to help somebody, I am just confused from the big diversity of people who look in need here. So far I donnated 50p to a guy who needed it for "phone" or something. He sounded desperate. I met him in 15 minutes, a bit more drunk, still asking last 50p he needs and not remembering I already spoke with him. I am not helping again :D.

Motto of the day: Help people in need. People who are really in need.

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