sobota 18. dubna 2015

Marshmallows and Sprinkles

One of the first things I found exciting about Belfast when I came here is that they often offer milkshakes, cocoa or hot milk with marshmallows. To me it is very interesting usage of these bonbons. And when I was on my hunt for a new laptop there were other things going on, I  felt a bit down and I needed some sugar boost. So I bought in an university cafe a Babyccino - steamed milk with chocolate, marshmallows and sprinkles. Perfect for kids!

I got a cup of milk with a bit of chocolate on the top and 4 marshmallows. And the most important question came. What should I even do with the marshmallows? Firstly I tasted the milk. The milk was kind of low fat, so not much of a taste. So I put 2 bags of sugar in the cup which didn't help much. Then I tried to put one marshmallow for a while in the milk. It seemed to melt a bit and create some kind of goo on the surface. The marshmallow itself taste a bit differently then marshmallows we sometimes eat at home. And I am also pretty sure my childhood marshmallows doesn't melt so quickly.

Stage 1 - Marshmallows next to the cup

Stage 2 - Melting marshmallows

So I was experimenting more. Actually it takes really a lot of time to melt a marshmallow in hot milk. It seems that the goo is also some kind of protection against proper melting. So I needed to help it a bit with spoon and press a bit the marshmallows to the side of the cup. It takes long time and lots of effort to totally melt a marshmallow. Eating the marshmallow in half of the process is disgusting thanks to the strange viscosity of the goo which is kind of tasteless but still you can taste something disturbing. Melting marshmallows create kind of thicker foam on the milk and probably they also finally gave some sweetness to my milk. I played with it for quite some time, but I still wasn't sure, why they sell the milk with the marshmallows and what exactly is best to do with them.

When I was paying for this interesting funny drink, I asked a waitress what do they normally do with the marshmallows. If they dip it or just let it melt in the drink. Do you know what she replied? "We just eat it."

Motto of the day: When you have a marshmallow, just eat it.

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