pátek 17. dubna 2015

Land without Laptops

My laptop died.

After 4 and half years of fun together he decided to leave me for good. Or not for good. But he seems to be working on a different time than me. And we are not soul mates anymore. When I need to work, he just passively turn his back on me and turn himself off. My lovely computer... What happened that we can't work together anymore? Well... I won't mourn for you forever. I can' t get rid of a feeling that he is just playing for being a master of the situation. But baby, this doesn't work with me. I am done with you...

Actually he started to protest against normal functioning few days ago, when I was on Easter holidays in Berlin (wait for some of the following posts). So I was thinking whether I should buy a new laptop in the last 2 days in Berlin, because he was still cooperating from time to time so I could search for stuff. (I like the word stuff. It saves me.) Finally I decided I don' t have enough space in luggage for another laptop and I felt it is better to buy it in UK from other reasons too - like my favorite British keyboard.
I started to care about situation in UK and I wanted to find out in what shops it would be nice to see some laptops. And it seemed strange to me because online there was quite empty search result page. Anyway I found the best lead and they even had 3 selling stores in Belfast. I found the store quite easily, but it was only a place where you could collect your online order. No physically present laptops. So I spent another 3 hours walking around city center and 2 biggest shopping malls in Belfast. I made few observations:

  • Shopping malls are for buying clothes and eating. Nothing else.
  • The management puts a lot of effort into getting you lost.
  • If you find a place in mall with shops present on the floor you are now, there are only their names which don't say anything about what service they provide.
  • There is only one place in whole mall where the categories of shops are written. I thought laptops could be in Media and Eletronics.
  • Mostly it is stores of O2 or Vodafone.
  • There is no way to see a single laptop in whole city center.
  • But there is at least 10 shops with mobile phones.
  • Other electronics like fridges, vacuum cleaners, kettles and so on are not reachable too.
  • Kettles and kitchen stuff is possible to buy in Tesco.
  • Mobile phones can be seen, touched and put into service. Laptops obviously can't.
  • It is scary how we can't study, work or talk with our loved ones without these gadgets now.
I am really wondering where people here buy laptops and put them into service. It seems there are 2 main websites, Amazon, eBay and maybe third, Argos, where you can buy laptops and accessories.
My friend told me that there is a shop with laptops in Student's Union at University. I was happy and went there. They sell 1, in words one, laptop. One (1). I was offered 70 pounds (2600 CZK) discount in comparison with normal price. Probably because no one buys the laptop and they need to sell at least something. I didn't like the colour (it was freaking ugly) so I was offered a bit different type with only 50 pounds (1900 CZK) discount but in white colour. I checked internet and decided to buy this one. I was happy I have a person to talk who will maybe become a doctor of my new techno-partner and who will give me some advice and confirm the things I read on the internet about warranties and so on. Even though I couldn't understand him much thanks to his accent.
After one hour I had my new baby in my arms and I was heading home. Now I am writing on my new amazing white English keyboard and it feels so good my new laptop haven't turned off on his own so far. And the screen is so welcoming and big. I am really happy with my new partnership so far. And because he's elegant and white and my Windows 8.1 is light green and orange, I decided to call him Paddy after realization that I unconsciously chose colors of Irish flag.

Welcome to my life, love!
Paddy's model

Motto of the day: Everybody need his own iPaddy.

A song dedicated to all people who struggle in life:

Get get get get get over it! La la laa laaaa la laaa laaa...

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